Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Anyone know a good trumpet player in the Austin area?

I'm very proud of my wife today. And everyday, for that matter. Today she met a professional goal that she set for herself, and I never doubted her for a second. I always knew she would be successful because she is talented and driven, and also, I thought her goal seemed a little low. She thought it was realistic, and I'm sure it was. I just probably have more faith in her than she does.

We've got a pretty full week ahead, with multiple rehearsals, shows, photoshoots, and even a recording session in there somewhere. I'm looking forward to Thursday night, as it will be the only evening Leah, Harper, and I all have together this week.

The record is starting to come along. I'd say we're about halfway done now, maybe a little more, maybe a little less. We're going to try to play a new song from the record at the shows this weekend. It's pretty simplistic, but we only left ourselves one rehearsal to prepare it. Better cross those proverbial fingers.

Yesterday, I engaged slightly in a Facebook discussion about Calvinism, and one of my best friends from school called me out for not capitalizing "god." I don't generally capitalize it because it's not a name, it's an occupation. I guess I probably should for the same reasons you capitalize "dad" or "mom" and I don't have any problem capitalizing Jehovah or Yahweh or Elohim or Osiris or Allah or Tash or Aslan, etc.

But if you think about it, it's weird that Xians call their god, "God," and not one of his actual names, isn't it? (Sub-question, if "God" has a personal name does that imply that it has peers [i.e. other deities], because why would it need a personal name if it had no need to differentiate itself among others?) I can't think of any other religion that just calls their god, "god." Anyway, food for thought.

I'm reading a book right now that traces a lot of Christianity's history through non-scriptural records and it's pretty fascinating. I think it's really interesting to see how old gods are created, renamed, combined, and then largely forgotten. Makes me wish I'd studied anthropology in college...and also finished college.

Hope to see people at the shows this weekend.



  1. Not sure about this, but I think the origin of referring to God as 'God' has to do with the Christian conception of the Trinity. For Christians, God is three distinct persons within the singular God-head. It would be weird for a Christian to refer to God simply as Jehovah (for example) because the name 'Jehovah' historically only referred to the first person of the Trinity (God 'the father). The capitalization of "God" is an expression of reverence, so I think it would make sense that if you don't believe in him, you wouldn't feel too compelled to capitalize the word. Something I've always wondered is why internet atheist/agnostics refer to Christians as Xians.
    Just out of curiosity, what's the title of the book your reading? 'The Everlasting Man' by G.K. Chesterton is a great commentary on the history of Pre-Christian and Post-Christian religion in the West. It's worth reading, if for no other reason than he writes so damn well.

  2. I God had a name, what would it be and would you call it to his face? If you were faced with him in all his glory, what would you ask if you had just one question?

  3. The book is called "Bloodline of the Holy Grail" by Laurence Gardner. My boss lent it to me, and it's interesting, though I'm not sure how reputable it's going to be when it gets into conspiracy theory which I believe it's going to.

    Using "x" for Christ isn't an atheist thing. I first started doing it in college when my Surveying The New Testament teacher taught us about it. X is the symbol for Christ in Roman, more or less. Maybe it was Greek, actually. Either way, it's just a form of short hand and not a show of disrespect. You know, like Xmas.

  4. Ah, yeah. Those books by Gardner do get a little out there, from what I've heard (I've never read any of them). That whole Knight's Templar, Mary Magdeline, Holy Grail stuff written by him was apparently the basis for Dan Brown's Di Vinci Code and other books.

  5. Some dude's conspiracy theory or the actual goddamned bible story...

    /weighs the options

  6. yet another thing i got in trouble for at bible college that left he hitting myself in the head thinking... "is this really worth an argument?" godgodgodgod
