This weekend started with some Friday night recording at Matt's studio, where I laid down some guitar and scratch vocals for "Jezebel," and another drum track for "Things You Already Know." Tommy had done some guitar earlier in the day but was already gone by the time Leah and I put Harper to bed and I made my way over. Matt did a rough mix of "Jezebel" and I'm really pleased. That boy's good at recording, yo! Every time we record I regret hiring Matt just a little bit less. Maybe one day I'll actually be glad he's around. I'm kidding, of course, he's easily the most talented person in the band and a real sweetheart to boot.
Saturday, Leah had to shoot a wedding (and by that I mean she participated in a drive by) so it was me and Harper all day. I got up and mowed the lawn, showered, put back on my pajamas and stayed in them for the rest of the day. Leah thought that I should be depressed after staying in my pajamas all day but how often do I get to do that? Not often. It was nice, and I was not depressed.
Harper is smiling a lot more now, which does wonders for a parent's self esteem. Whenever we go to get her out of her bed, after a nap or in the morning, she smiles really big when she sees us and it feels like we actually matter to her now. I love it. It doesn't hurt that it is, without a doubt, the cutest smile I've ever seen.

Sunday, Leah and I bought a propane grill and I spent more time than I would've liked putting it together. We made plans to use it but after the frustration of putting it together, I just wanted to get away from it and more importantly, get away from this 100+ degree heat. But Leah had already started preparing the food so we went ahead with the grilling and it was pretty delicious. I'm really proud of Leah. She's really putting a lot of effort into making our eating habits better and learning to cook. With the exception of some tangy chicken last week, everything she's found and tried has been awesome, so much so that fast food is starting to look much less appealing to us nowadays. Good job, wife.
Also this weekend I watched Harry Potter & the Goblet of Fire and then just to remember how good Richard Harris is at being Dumbledore, Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets, which may be one of my favorites and I think a lot of people overlook it. I also watched The Shawshank Redemption while I was home with Harper. Oh what a world it would be if every movie was as beautiful or as good as The Shawshank Redemption.
I just posted Jasper's birth certificate because we changed his name, and for some reason, I expected this to be his. I glanced at it and was all "whyyyyy is he posting Jasper's BC?" and then remembered that my baby wasn't born in Hawaii and then read the name...AYIYI. I'm losing my mind.
ReplyDelete...any special reason you started off with Obama's birth certificate and then didn't mention it.. at all?
ReplyDeleteAlso, this sentence: Leah had to shoot a wedding (and by that I mean she participated in a drive-by) Made me giggle for about 5 minutes.
Also also, that baby is damn cute.
There's actually more people than reason would typically allow that say "Obama wasn't even born in America, WHERE'S HIS BIRTH CERTIFICATE?!?"
ReplyDeleteIt's really stupid.
So...there it is. He was born here.
People are ridonculous. So not only is his birth certificate made available, but the governor of Hawaii (a Republican! who supported McCain!) has vouched for its authenticity. On top of which, two separate newspaper clippings from 1961 were found that had his birth announcement printed in them.
ReplyDeleteAnd yet there are those who STILL would lean toward believing in a mass conspiracy rather than just accept the rather simple and straightforward truth. Eesh.